The Photos On My Wall

Sunday, July 19, 2009

video cover

Valerio Carboni.
that is the guy that im in love with the way he played and his voice.
gees, im impress with the way he sing it. his vocal is the same as Chris Martin.
thumbs up for him!

this is one of the video where Boyfriend record it. and among all them, i love this the most. Boyfriend, you know, you have the voice and im loving it. do practice more and dont worry i will always support you baby! Boyfriend, i was browsing thru your videos and im wondering when are you gonna cover again. hmm...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

i just finished baking cookies with sister in law.
and im so bored right now at home.
im still waiting for Boyfriend to wake up from his long sleep and i bet he is still at his lalaland.
ahahah. i did call him alot of time but he didn't pick up. i hate his wake up timing. what i realise he start to wake up late everyday. by right now he suppose to be at my house and bringing along with his keyboard. we decided to put his keyboard at my place for me to practice as im taking music school soon.and another reason is to make my butt stick at home. so if he wanna play it, he have to come over to my house. ahaha. ouhk im being random right now. so here are some pictures that we took few days at town. enjoy!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Don't let life consume you.
It could eat you up inside.
Can you see the human spirit?
Tell me why should I have to hide?
And with my heart in my hand and with my hand upon my heart.
It's not like we planned. Don't betray your lover.
You will just betray yourself.
Can you see the human spirit?
Is there emptiness inside?
Is there loneliness inside?

Tell me, come on tell me what you can.
even as you wait for death you're wiser than iam.

tell me what does it mean to exist.
i am not a scientist and i must believe in more than this.

i can not accept that everything thats real is only what our eyes can see and our hands can feel.
not even earth can hold us.
not even life controls us.

not even the ground can keep us down the memories in my head.
are just as real as the time we spent.
you always be close to me, my dear.
this is not the end.
i see, i can see you're so afraid.
you wear it like a silver hood.
on you, even fear looks good.

i wish i had some words to give but all that i can think to say is l'll be with you everyday.

i don't care what you believe as long as you are in my heart.

you're just as real as me, maybe even more.
someone has touched so many lives.

can never never die.

PS: Life is so intricate than it seems.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

If dreams were given to a lonely man
and a lonely man's dreams came true,
I'd force myself to sleep all the time
just so I could dream of you

If wishes were given to a lonely man
and I was given just two,
I'd wish for you to always love me
and the other I'd give to you

If my tears could write a love song
I'd write a love song for you,
It would explain just how I feel inside
and how much I love you too

But, dreams are only dreams
and wishes seldom come true,
My tears can't write a love song,
but when they fall, they fall for you

Can that line be crossed
What could we truly be
And at what cost
Do you see what I see
I know there is more there
Waiting to be found
Can you feel how much I care
I feel like I'm being drowned
If you knew the amount of desire
That I feel for you
My burning fire
That wants one to become two

I pray one day I'll live to see you break a smile.

interview day

it was my interview day. i dont know what to wear and i ask cousin to come over to my place to choose for me. instead he brought me a white blouse. so i get myself prepared and packed my stuffs. before i left my place with him, we decide to take a photo taking with brother as a photographer cause he took a lesson on taking pictures and he open up his own freelance as a photographer. so people out there who wanna hire a photographer, do tell me aite. took some shots and off we go. dont bother how was my interview go coz it suck to the core! ahahah! god please help me, i really need job so badly.


friday night

my friday night was fcuking fun babey. me, Boyfriend, Ika and Cd went to hotel and check in for 1 day. room party babey. we decided to go there for drinking and have fun. and hell yah we did! eventho its only 4 of us but yet we felt like 10 people.we drank while playing card and whoever lose have to drink the whole glass. ahaha. it was my first time going there with ika and cousin lah! very kecoh and we shouted and LOL lah. tak ingat dunie langsung. Ika was down bout her boyfriend and so we cheer her up. the most funny part was i quarreled with Boyfriend bout a stupid thing and we gave each other a stupid remarks and i swear i was laughing while quarrelled with him and so the rest. eventho its funny but i dont really mean what i said to Boyfriend. sorry Boyfriend for acting like a childish. i think i was a bit tipsy. ahaha. cause we know how to roll or boring day...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

black day

At last after a month, i get to meet my Wanee Boo yesterday along with Boyfriend, Ika and Cd. the funny part was everyone wore the same colour tshirt which is black. mcm berjanji gitu kan. ahahaha. yes we really do need to catch up things between us and gosh it has been so long we last gossip and had our aspernormal crap. guess what Wanee, Boyfriend said that our gossip urh tak leh tahan woo! rabak woo! ahahah. well, what to do that was what we called ourselves DDF lah. ahahah. went to fetch her at Starbucks Tampines Mall and i kidnapped her away from her classmate and brought her to coffee shop to grab our dinner. silly Boyfriend for making stupid silly faces at us during our conversation and he tried to distract us by talking to Cd far across and disturbed me. grr! hiak-dish to him! went to MacDonald to have our double chocolate and as usual we took some shot over there while Boyfriend went to TM alone. pity him but sorry Boyfriend for not accompany you. I've met Wanee so i cant let go of her from my side. not that often i get to meet her. hee! then we walked all the way to Sunplaza Park to play the swing and took a nice shot with a nice scenery and full moon. i shall upload more pictures when i receive them from Boyfriend. well Wanee, we should meet up more often cause you are so busy with your school project lah. damn that school. ahahaha! ouhk I'm being not understanding over here. the next time round, Lylie must be there too and we shall LOL at MacDonald like we always did.

Boyfriend, i just realise that i couldn't resist of not meeting you. i really need you by my side every single day and everyday my love towards you grow stronger and stronger. i love you more than yesterday. did i ever told you before that you were alweady complete me and your name has alweady engrave in my heart? damn, i swear I'm telling you the truth from the bottom of my heart(jiwang pulak aku nie). thankx for coming here when i feel lazy to go out of here. i really appreciate every single thing that u did for me. love you B!

aku saket!!!

after 1 day of not meeting Boyfriend due to my fever, i managed to get out of my bed to meet him. even 1 day without meeting him can make me go crazy. i think i just get use to it by meeting him everyday. lika a habit. grr i just miss him alot lah cause i didnt get to meet him or hear his voice or even smell his armpit! he waited for 30mins as im late. now it his turned to wait for me. ahahaha. i did had fun with Boyfriend and i was so tired walking around with him the whole day. he brought me to the places where i never been there before and i was amazed! mcm budak jakon pulak aku nie. ahahaha. i dont know what else to say anymore more but i know i did had fun with Boyfriend the whole day. eventho im still sick and abit weak, in order to cure the sickness is to meet him. and im getting better! ahahah!


it was 2nd time me and Boyfriend went to Johor Bahru together. it was a last minute planned as we were at Bugis finding his stuffs. but ending up we bought alot of food instead. Damn Boyfriend started to eat more ever since my appetite increase and sometime he eat more than me and i swear he grow up his boncet. ahahaha. while eating, we had that crazy idea to go to there. and so we walked to the bus station but instead we took cab to Johor Bahru. ahahaha. went to Wan's work place which is a club and it was my 1st time going club with my Boyfriend and furthermore in Malaysia ehk!! wth?! ahahaha. gees, Wan is a bartender. ahaha. sit around where we could talked to Wan easily. the most funny part that happened inside was they played a live band and they played Doreamon song. but its cute thou. ahahah. thankx baby for everything. u really brighten up my days. and to my dearest friend Wan, i really do miss you alot. do take care of yourself over there and dont think much bout it. please come back here soon aite. =)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


sorry for the delay to update my blog. I've been busy spending time with family and Boyfriend. me and my family went to hospital to visit my dad at hospital and he can discharge alweady. he has been inside the operation room for nearly 6hours. the doctor said that he have to go for another operation at the heart center, next 2 weeks. ohh gosh it gonna be his 2nd op for the same thing again. all i can do is pray hard and hope nothing gonna happen during the op. had our lunch at Banquet and took some shots with family. while waiting we went to look around at EastPoint for Q's stuffs but ending up get nothing for her. nurse called mom and we rushed back to hospital and went to the ward.
dad looks so pale and his hand keep bleeding due to his cut for the camera to go in. it bleed non stop. i swear cause i was just beside him all the way.
mom told me to go home with 1st with brother first. surprisingly, Q didn't cry the whole day. i guess she understand what had happened with her surrounding. ahaha. well thats all i can say for now.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dear wanee,
im so sorry that i never reply to your entry and comments.
i just too busy lately and im kinda seldom online too.
i need to catch things around me and me too need to catch up with you.
i owe you 1 big time and im gonna do that ASAP.
dont worry aite just patient and i'll give you more than what u expected.
i really am sorry babygirl.

Dear lylie, i read you blog.
what happened hun?
sorry i never been there for you.
and i will soon.
and dont think much bout it.
i told you to forget bout the pass and move forward with the person who loves you most.
i was really happy when you and fir were together back.
no more of seeing you get hurt and suffer and cry.
see, even DDF were so effing happy lah kan.
but its all up to you.
as long as you're happy, we oso happy.
and dont be jeles of wane coz you know i miss you alot too.
yeay me too glad that things are back to normal and i wont throw my tantrum at you nimore( no promises for that, hehe)
and thankx for being there for me.
i owe you too.

sorry of my busy-ness.
i know i need to catch up things with you girls and i will soon.
just give me courage and surport.
i will be there and i promise to come and meet you girls on this wednesday.
PROMISE! mark my words. and i wanna spent time gossip and talk with my bitches lah kan!
grr!!! im so fcuking miss you girls lah.
just remember even if im busy, that doesnt mean i stop thinking of you both.
i always do. and remeber that i love you both alot.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

where it meets the eyes.

after few days quarreling with Boyfriend, we managed to settle up the shits that occurred us for being apart. a childish thing or act which i didn't expected to repeat back had happened again. gees, i swear i just cant be bother bout it or play apart in the game but the love is so strong which makes me angry and blew out everything to him. eventho it's not his fault but yet i put the blame on him, sorry dear. eventho that was his decision which i never forced him to do so, i appreciated and treasure it alot. i know he tried his very best to save this relationship and he achieved it. i just hope that he make a right choice and he wont regret at the end of the day. im so glad that things gonna be normal back. i swear this time round no more disturbing and boundaries. i just need people to respect our relationship. it takes two hand to clap for this relationship and in life this kind of chances will not always come to us and i do realise that i never slip it away. i was aware of everything and this time round, i feel that he is different from others that i know. i can feel it, i swear! i hope no more shits like that gonna happen again and no more wall in between us.

Dear Taufiq, im so sorry bout yesterday that i scolded you in out of nowhere. yes i might step over the line but i was in an angry state and alot of things in my head and yet another one is coming. yes, i might be stingy but i just do it for my rights. after making myself cool down, im glad that we managed to talk things out bout it and make a right decision. im so fucking happy that we never end it there. i still want you around and i really do love you alot more than anything else. but i love my iphone more than you lah. ahahaha! the reason why i kept laughing, smiling and make stupid noises just now cause im so fucking happy that we get to meet up, continue our story and the most important thing was smell your armpit lah! gees, i started to miss you alweady. only god knows how much i love you and im glad that you are still in my life. your name has alweady engrave in my heart. =)

PS: i will pray hard that nothing gonna happen to daddy tomorrow. and he alweady complete my life. you know, i just so in love with this guy and im glad that he come into my life.