The Photos On My Wall

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

aku saket!!!

after 1 day of not meeting Boyfriend due to my fever, i managed to get out of my bed to meet him. even 1 day without meeting him can make me go crazy. i think i just get use to it by meeting him everyday. lika a habit. grr i just miss him alot lah cause i didnt get to meet him or hear his voice or even smell his armpit! he waited for 30mins as im late. now it his turned to wait for me. ahahaha. i did had fun with Boyfriend and i was so tired walking around with him the whole day. he brought me to the places where i never been there before and i was amazed! mcm budak jakon pulak aku nie. ahahaha. i dont know what else to say anymore more but i know i did had fun with Boyfriend the whole day. eventho im still sick and abit weak, in order to cure the sickness is to meet him. and im getting better! ahahah!


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