The Photos On My Wall

Monday, January 11, 2010

to cut it short

Hey, I'm back. miss me? haha.
okay let me get things straight and short. I'll shall just elaborate things that i had done lately and let the pictures do the talking too. enjoy! =)

As promised with my gfs to spent time together on last Saturday, we went to town. supposedly, we have to chill out with Susanti but then she was out with Sham and his girlfriend to City Hall. late night after meeting Taufiq for awhile and Abg, we headed to Boat Quey to meet them. unexpectedly, the guys were there with her. instead of going to home club, we went to Zouk's carpark and had our own carpark party again.

On Saturday i went to Zouk with Taufiq and his friends. thanks for everything dude, i really appreciate everything and i had a fun night with you. this is like a first time party together with you at Zouk. that is a sweetest and fun memory for me to keep in my mind. thanks Taufiq Mustaffa.

Happy 24th birthday Azeer. so old already, yet you don't act like one.
still fooling around. hehehe. Fetch Taufiq and Azeer from work and off we went to Arab St for our supper and Seesha session. =)

My 2010 countdown celebration held at Silosa car park.
how was it? Awesome. just think of the bright side, at least i had fun with my friends and along with my dearest Ika. sorry Lylie, you wasn't there with us. And as for Taufiq, I'm sorry baby i couldn't get to celebrate with you.


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