The Photos On My Wall

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

new year resolution

I know this looks like i've completely abandoned this blog and probably my New Year's Resolutions with them. its really not the case.

Im still working hard on those goals and creating the work habits and attitudes that i need to reach those goals. I've just been swamped with my day school and haven't taken the time to write.

I'm making an exception today because i want to use writing to reinforce something that just continues to sink in. i complain way too much. its funny because i always considered myself a non-complainer. my mom used to say i was 'easy to have around', 'easy to please'. and in many ways i am. i think compared to the national average, i probably complain less than average and am a more optimistic and upbeat person than average.

BUT... i still complain WAY too much. i complain about the complainers. i complain about someone sending me a note that makes no sense. i often complain only in my mind and my DDF, but that is still mental cycles bing spent in a negative way.

One of the book that i've been reading to, and i cant remember which one to give them credit, makes the point that a complaint is focusing on what you dont like, but what you should focus on is what you do want, which is your preferences. now, its easy to think that restating a complaint as a preferences might be easy and useful.

Okay a brand new year is coming soon and yet im still figure out on my New Year Resolution. i don't know if i should make a list out of it cause every single damn bloody year i don't resolve any of it. as what i see, a very sucky year indeed. im not complaining nor ungreatful of the days that were given. but this year i was brought nothing but bad luck for myself. Seldom, i get a bright colourful day. the only part that i felt blessful was my school application and right away i continue my studies. and lasty, i shall not whinning again about the bad things that had happened to me before. lets put the past behind and look forward for the futere aite?

So for now, the top of my list is to study hard, achieve on my goals and make my parents proud of me. take a very good care of my family, DDF and not forgotten, ME! no more making and getting myself into troubles and sacrifises on something which is not worthy. a new leaf and chemistry. a brand new year with a brand new book.

I need to get back to my school project, but i'm really working hard to reduce complaints and to state what my preference would be instead.

Wishing everyone well with their resolutions.


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