The Photos On My Wall

Monday, November 23, 2009

middle of nowhere

Anyways, it's been a month since school open. i'm tired + always been sleepy. i have many things to cover, due to next week i have many quiz, lab tests and A Maths tests coming up! goshh... and guess what, just now i just did one of the class test and i did badly for Domain and Range cause i was concentrated more on the Functions and Graphs but overall i did it with satisfaction. i hope i did well for this paper. *InsyaAllah*

- 2 Quiz
- 3 test papers of A-Math
- NX5 3d project
- Business Engineering project and presentation
- Research on object for my 3d model

Oh there you go, a list of things i need to do. and not to forget my programming tutorial which kinda confusing at times. Oh well, i hope i can cope all this in few weeks time. My batt is on 12/12, i think I'm overloaded with knowledge. haha.

okay lets stop talking about school and more about what had happened around me lately. eversince that incident crashed into my ditsy mind, i've never been stop thinking about it. i've experienced quite a number of things in life, sometimes, it doesnt feel right. somewhere... within... i've sought some things through, with my ownself, i wasn't sure what was happening in me. i was sure i was kinda, .. let's say frustrated for some unknown reasons. if it ever gets overboard, i don't even know if i still have the chance to rewind it back again. but then again, my consciousness gets over me. i'm saved from the undesirable. i admit, i do make mistakes, i'm a human afterall. but, those mistakes makes you think back, and realise what's the truth behind it. i wasn't sure of what's love. it's sure a big word to able to describe in a way or another. most importantly, to love myself before i love others. sometimes, you ponder upon your past that was never yours. it was just, perhaps, a test? this seems formal, lol, hmm.. basically, i've known so much in life since i'm in poly
and step back and walked away from my outside world. the ups and downs, those who actually trusted you or even used you. none would believe, or does believe, or just barely believe. none feels the way i felt. the way of my everyday life in poly. the way i had to stand up on my own feet and tried my very best. the way how the people would think about me but in the end acknowledge me of myself. knowing that something about me that just won't fit into the public, but i tried my very best to show them what i can be by my own. yet i've achieved something for myself. ^_^

Not back to myself, but yet into someone better.
In life God doesn't give you the people you want. Instead, He gives you the people you need. To teach you, to hurt you, to love you, and make you exactly the way you should be.
Guess, i'm still far away from truth. or was i?

PS: to my dearest lylie, you are most welcome. sometimes we do need that kind of talks. what a bestfriend is for. afterall, after talking to you, i do felt abit relief. and thanks for the advice. don't you ever worry that im gonna leave you. you are a friend that i most treasure and love alot! =)


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