The Photos On My Wall

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

new year resolution

I know this looks like i've completely abandoned this blog and probably my New Year's Resolutions with them. its really not the case.

Im still working hard on those goals and creating the work habits and attitudes that i need to reach those goals. I've just been swamped with my day school and haven't taken the time to write.

I'm making an exception today because i want to use writing to reinforce something that just continues to sink in. i complain way too much. its funny because i always considered myself a non-complainer. my mom used to say i was 'easy to have around', 'easy to please'. and in many ways i am. i think compared to the national average, i probably complain less than average and am a more optimistic and upbeat person than average.

BUT... i still complain WAY too much. i complain about the complainers. i complain about someone sending me a note that makes no sense. i often complain only in my mind and my DDF, but that is still mental cycles bing spent in a negative way.

One of the book that i've been reading to, and i cant remember which one to give them credit, makes the point that a complaint is focusing on what you dont like, but what you should focus on is what you do want, which is your preferences. now, its easy to think that restating a complaint as a preferences might be easy and useful.

Okay a brand new year is coming soon and yet im still figure out on my New Year Resolution. i don't know if i should make a list out of it cause every single damn bloody year i don't resolve any of it. as what i see, a very sucky year indeed. im not complaining nor ungreatful of the days that were given. but this year i was brought nothing but bad luck for myself. Seldom, i get a bright colourful day. the only part that i felt blessful was my school application and right away i continue my studies. and lasty, i shall not whinning again about the bad things that had happened to me before. lets put the past behind and look forward for the futere aite?

So for now, the top of my list is to study hard, achieve on my goals and make my parents proud of me. take a very good care of my family, DDF and not forgotten, ME! no more making and getting myself into troubles and sacrifises on something which is not worthy. a new leaf and chemistry. a brand new year with a brand new book.

I need to get back to my school project, but i'm really working hard to reduce complaints and to state what my preference would be instead.

Wishing everyone well with their resolutions.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

boring saturday night

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I often THINK blog posts, but I don't seem to be near the computer when I think them. Am I still committed to my goals even though I'm not writing about them every day?

Yes, absolutely.

P.S. You might say this isn't much of a blog post, but I felt the longer I waited to post, the more significant a post I had to write. I was running the risk of getting in a vicious cycle and falling out of my habit of writing at least a few times each week.

But now with this silly, simple post, I'm back to writing again.

Friday, December 18, 2009

its all about khai

See the food above? That's what we, Ika, Lylie, Khai and myself had for dinner last night. Khai invited us to his HUGE house and seriously if i were to live in that kind of big house, i'm sure i'll get stress on where should i sit. Upon reaching his house, straight away we went into his kitchen and get something to cook. In between of it, i went to show them a big beautiful house just right behind of his place and i swear im loving it so much. i wish that is mine. walked around his place through and forth like my own house. Right after dinner, we played Guitar Hero and Lylie was just sitting and watch us play. We went haywire cause of the game and every of us kept laughing non stop. Then, head back home. That's my day and i ejoyed it. thanks Khai for the invite. =)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

star gazing

on last Saturday, instead of going to zouk out, i went out with DDF to town. it was nothing much at first till around mid night, we decided to chill at Scape and had our stupid nonsense singing session. walked around town after that and finally we found another spot to continue the session. and seriously the three of us spent all of our cash on food! we ate alot and yet we are still hungry. haha!

we took night rider back to Bedok and had our star gaze at Bedok Reservior Jetty. we had such a romantic lovely night. the hot topic of the day was, when will we wanna get marry, and the first person was gonna be Lylie. babe, i guess kite makan nasi minyak kao dulu lah. haha! we stayed there all the way and we went off at around 8 in the morning.

Btw, i had a great night with Lylie and Ika. and like finally, the three of us get to star gaze together and had our girls talk. more communication and spenting time among us. eventhough things has been such a hard for me, but yet they were there for me, standing strong and happily together. i love you girls alot =)

Friday, December 11, 2009

death is but crossing the world, as friends do the seas, they live in one another still. for they must needs be present, that love and live in that which is omnipresent. in this divine glass they see face to face; and their converse is free, as well as pure. this is the comfort of friends, that through they may be said to die, yet their friendship and society are, in the best sense, ever present, because immortal.

i have been careless, and so have been thwarted by luck and chance, those wreckers of all but the best laid plans. but i know better now. i understand those things that i did not understand before. i know where am i standing now and whom I'm with which isLylie and Ika . I'm glad that things are getting straight now and better in mentality. lets stop bragging about it and move on to the next topic that I'm gonna tell.

this week was such a hectic week for me. as i was busy with school projects and study for my test, and mostly spending my time with the two lovely girls till i don't even have time for myself to rest and have a proper sleep. wow, this is what i called, compromising time management. with my own acknowledgement,I'm glad that even though i don't have enough time for it, i actually was there for them and went out together. and plus, meeting Taufiq too after school and even on his off day with the girls. who say that we cant go out together without touching any books? we even have our own study date okay. haha.

Monday, December 7, 2009

miss me?

I'm back! Missed me? hehe.

A lot of things had happened lately, top it all, I'm super duper uber TIRED AND SLEEPY. Due to that I'm having fever, flu and cough. oh my, i need a super duper uber REST.

Right now, I'm screwed with my NX5 programming. totally, & my model design, i haven't touch it yet! Double screwed! how how how. All the proposals done, but all comes down to the presentation & the submission projects. Triple screwed! LOL! Next semester, double the workload for NX5, erghhh.

In the middle of the term test exams, i got into the top 20% in my cohort(not overall yet). I was happy, many opportunities ahead of me. That's a good start being in a polytechnic though, Nanyang Polytechnic is stressful. Too many projects, but too little time. Hmm, how that sounds? Ironic.

First thing first, i was late for school just now cause last night i was doing my project and i slept at around 9 in the morning even though my whole body was aching and tired. Me and Zul were walking to school and we bumbed into Wanee and Ting Yi. so we had our smoke break together while Zul went into the school without me and left me outside. Here are some random pictures taken in school just now. so that explain why, there's a sad face on me. =(

Well, other than that, i went out to town with Dearest Lylie, to release our stress out. we had our dinner at KFC and tought of watching movie after that. but things changed after Alep text me saying that he wanna joined us. headed to Gloria Jeans and had few glasses there.

Other then that, i had a dinner date with dearest Lylie at Fish & Co, Love. a treat from her and that is so sweet and touched. thanks Lylie.

seriously i need to shop and get myself everything from head to toe and to the inside as well. haha! here are the list:

- leather dark blue sling bag
- Manhattan Portage black Dakota bag pack(for sch)
- dark blue slim jeans
- converse hi cut sneaker
- black studded vest
- more tops && dresses
- dark blue jeans

yup that's all in the list now. and yet i still feels like there is something missing in my shop list. i wonder what will that be.