The Photos On My Wall

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


shattered heart forced to heal
as greatness unveils thine soul.
hope whispered in the distance,
to recover thine lost love.

this night brings tender passing,
healing thine soul with glorious blunder.
cause not one or two,
but dissipated nights of dreams.

sadness comes to end,
happiness conquered hate.
love sprouting sadness shrinking,
hope has come again

well here i am writing down another of my poem. which i express my feelings by words. i shall stop elaborating or bragging bout it so this is my last time im gonna type it down. i think i should step back and perhaps move on with my life. i dont see a point where i need to be there or crawling back or hanging lose to someone who wanna be in the picture still. over and over again it just make me feel more pain and it always keep repeating. why must i still be there if things become more worst and im suffering. he just cant get over with her and they are still being there for each other but yet in the same time he still wanna be with me. wtf is he thinking about?? im not a doll where he can control me and fooling me around. im just SICK AND TIRED of the same shit which keep repeating and SICK AND TIRED of listening to his same old excuses. im happy that i made up my decision. no more crying, no more suffering. now its time for me to rock my fucking world ass off and i think i should give some other people a chance of knowing me better and whom i deserve more to be with. so yeah i shall stop here. the story has ended here.
i just reached home. i went out to accompany Arfiz to arab street to meet his friends and chill out there. at first i was so nervous to meet him as it was our 1st time meeting or should i say "date?" and furthermore we decided to meet up and to know each other better. he came by my place to fetch me and off we vroom vroom by riding his vespa racing. it was a shocking day for us as we just knew each other and one of his friend is my abg sedare, Abg Usop and another one is my brother's friend. gees what a small world afterall. i was abit awkward though chilling with all of them but somehow i managed to overcome it and talked and laughed with them. they went off at 11.30 and both of us were still there. talking and sharing to each other. less awkward and more being ourselves.
then Mimi called me that she wanna meet us. we vroom vroom back to Tampines and met them at Telepark along with Cd, Afiq, Mac, Zul and Dudd. had a noodle cup session again but this time round, only me and Mac. haha! from there, he get to know my true self and he was happy that im being myself infront of him. duuhhh, off course. when shida meet her friends and cousin, she tend to be very crazy and loud. haha. then we off to Mr Prata for our Sahur and chilled there till 5.45 as it was about to rain. im worried much bout Arfiz for him to go back home. he live quite far from my place which at chua chu kang. i dowan him to be soaking wet in the rain. i can sense that i was being back to myself, i mean the shida that you guys know. the happy go lucky and smiling widely shida. that is a good thing thought. he sent me home and we kinda feel abit different or perhaps awkward so we just shake hands and standing there looking at him to go off. thank god that he messaged me saying that his not wet and not raining. fuhh! he told me that maybe today he wanna meet me again and follow him breakfast with his friends. not quite sure bout that as me and Mimi feel like going to Geylang for dendeng. hahaha...!
PS: i had a great wonderful night =)


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