The Photos On My Wall

Thursday, September 17, 2009

ban, dendeng and rocket!!!

its been long time i never meet my wonderful bestie during my ite time, Ban which he was also my classmate. had a great time with him talking and laughing and cope with each other stories. there was alot of things that we wanna share. meet him at town and had our breakfast at Taka. and off to meet Lylie and Fir at Ct Hall. i had a fun time criticise and bully Lylie with Fir while Ban just sitting there laughing his ass off. haha! sorry babe, it was just a joke. =)
the crazy couple went off early as Lylie promised her sister to play bunge api and left the both of us alone. had our personal talk and shit. but all i say is, i had a gre
at time with Ban. i really do miss him alot and miss talking nonsense and criticise at Talib together and making fun of people ans stuffs. his the person who have been there for me during school time and i do still remember when i cried in the toilet and he just chased after me and went into the girl's toilet just to console me. and never failed to be there during my family occasion, selling and promoting Tupperware to my mom. haha! boy Tupperware, tu kekek sak! haha! with our teacher also he selling it ouhk. haha! i really miss my ite days and my freaking irritating classmate of mine. i hope i day we have our reunion and be back last time. =)

Afiz went to geylang with his friends and we didn't get to meet up as i wanna go to town instead cause i know there will be so stuffy and crowded. pity him! haha! when i was in the train on my way back to Tampines, he called me saying that he brought for me the dendeng that Ive been craving for. aww, so thoughtful and sweet of him. i didn't expected t
hat he gonna buy for me or even think of me, that i have been craving for it. its been quite sometime that a guy is thinking of me when they went out with his friends and instead he buy for me something that i wanted/craving. that is very thoughtful of him and its hard to find a nice guy nowadays. i really appreciate that! then i asked him to alight at Kallang and meet me at the platform for awhile. gees, he looks so cute and hug-able haha! he pass me that and i was kinda surprised and happy at the same time, feeling like hugging him for that. hehe! my train had arrived and im off to Telepark to meet the rest. i told them about it and they said, "awww! so sweet of him!" i was blushed for a moment when they said that to me. haha!

chilled till 12+ midnight and waited for Mac to fetch me and he came along with Awul and we vroom vroom to meet the rest of the guys and Susi at Mush for o
ur rocket session. i swear i had a great time with them and this time round there was like 15 people of us playing it. we save the best for the last which was An's rocket and the explosion sound is freaking loud mcm bomb meletop! then we ran back to PG and laughing and entah lah, kecoh urh. haha! i had a great night thou. i went home early as today im working and Afiz wanted me to go home early and had a good rest. pfft, he himself still at outside, riding and explore with his friends at cemetery. crazy! haha!


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