The Photos On My Wall

Friday, June 19, 2009

its 7.43 in the morning and i just reached home. i cant sleep and i don't even feel sleepy at all. so here i am decided to update. my ite classmate decided to have a gathering and we met each other at Raffles. as me and Bear are the only people who stay at east side, we planned to go there together. i waited for him at Tampines interchange for nearly 1 hour so i decided to go to Tampines Mall alone and walk around to find something for Boyfriend. and i saw a cute lil black and white cat. so i grabbed it and i get a small green and white bear for free. woohoo! took train and off we went to Raffles to meet the rest. we walked to Boyfriend work place and passed the present to him by saying sorry. Lylie and Fir called me, asking a favour to piece their smiley. and i did. ohh my by piercing and looking at their new piercing, it really makes me want to pierce it too. i just love body arts so much esp body piercing. it just my interest and my hobby to pierce for people. so friends, feel free to ask me to pierce for you guys aite. don't worry I'm kinda "expert" in that. ahahaha.

had our dinner at MacDonald and we brought few bottle of liquor and drank at Boat Quey. tot of not drinking cause its been a month i never drink. but something inside me tells me to drink and i have the urge. drank with them till Azim got drunk. Zul, off to work and out of blue moon, they planned to go club. but before that i got that 50/50 thinking of not going to club instead. i just felt bad when it came to this situation bout me and Boyfriend, i went to club to enjoy myself while actually he himself is in a red mood. I've let them to go in first and i sat by the river alone. Farhana came out and she pulled me all the way to the club but actually i don't want too. i told her that you guys have fun first inside ouhk and i will be waiting outside till you guys are done but no, all of them went out to accompany me instead. thank god the entry fee was free and they brought more drinks. how nice are they and i feel so touch man! aww! ahaha. i just don't have the mood to party lorh. Silly Alep for making me lolol all the way and went both of us meet each other, we tend to be crazy and do jackass together. look at him makes me more lolol with his botak head. Among all of them Don and Ban knew me best and they are very closed to me so they asked me if there is something bothers me? and i keep denied. even how much i lied to them, they will know that. i shall not talk bout what we had in our conversation here. kinda privacy. so back to the story, we let Azim slept for awhile and the rest continue drinking and chilled till first train. my class reunion was fun and only among us know something that other wont know how much we feel and enjoy ourself. with a house music as our background and all start to dance like mad cow. ahahaha! so here i am in front of my pc, typing. ahaha.


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