The Photos On My Wall

Monday, June 8, 2009

welcome to me

wee! at last i know how to use blogspot and thankx to Lylie for the direction of where to put the html and url for blogskins but the rest i have to figure it out myself. i swear xanga is more easy than blogspot. but i wanna try something new since last time and now i achieve it. woohoo shida clever alweady to use blogspot! ahahaha. how pathetic am i. furthermore after i woke up at around 7.30am from my bad dream, straight away i on my pc and i do this thing.

so everyone say welcome to blogspot to me.
ahahaha. btw this blog is not meant for public. its my privacy and dairy. i will tend to let out everything here rather than my xanga. My xanga is totally open and i hate it so here i am doing the 2nd blong for myself. yes go ahead if u wanna say that im selfish or what co i just dont care as long as im happy. for those who are very close to me are allow to read it. so just keep to urself aite. daaa!


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