The Photos On My Wall

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trip to JB and Kota Tinggi

I just came back from Johor Bahru with Boyfried, Wan and Aisha. it was a last minute plan as we were at Bugis on last Sunday. Wan talked and discussed to us and we decided to follow them so both of us were rushing home and took our passport and stuffs. Wan accompanied Boyfriend while Aisha accompanied me. we took the last bus to meet the guys back at Bugis and off we took cab to JB. Reached there at around 12+ and we walked slowly to Benafe to grab out supper. OMG it really doesn't helped me at all lah eating there cause im still hungry! ahaha. fatty me! then me we took cab to go to Wan's place. settle down our stuffs and washed up. at last i get t meet Scha as both of us really dying to meet each other, talked to her for awhile before she went to club and i went to kedai mamak to grab some snacks for me to chew.

The next day we woke up in the morning to get prepared for our Kota Tinggi trip. mandi air terjun babe! with another 2 of Wan's friends. went there by car and all of really cant wait lah. never been there before so i can get easily excited. omg i just love the surrounding the nature and green everywhere. and all of us off to the waterfall and started to swim. damn, fishes are all over and they bite my leg. eeeww felt so disgusting but hack care lah. the water is so damn cold till Boyfriend shivering and he lost his earring. hmm what else i can say urh... but what i know i did had fun at Kota tinggi. on the way home, everyone were sleeping in the car and left the driver, Din awake. pity him. had our dinner and off we went home. At night, we went to eat burger at Tikus's shop and chilled with him and his Girlfriend. FYI, i have friends at Malaysia. so that answer your question. then we went to riding with Din and he bring us around the Johor Bahru. as Spore we tend to play Taite right, over there they teach us how to play Rest. i swear it was so damn fun and funny. who lose have to wear a dusty spoiled ugly helmet and i did, once! Wan had to wear 3 times while Boyfriend, none. not fair man! pfft! ahaha.

then next day, i woke them up and get showered and packed our stuffs. Wan's brother in law came and he fetched us back to Spore along with his wife. went to Pasir ris pasar malam to send some stuffs while the rest of us took free food from the stall and off to Eunos and chilled at Wan's place. FYI, Wan have 2 houses. 1 in Spore and the other 1 is at JB. so that answer your question again. we went down to throw all the unused toys and we play this scotter. i donnoe what is it called and it was fun lah. i donnoe how to elaborate as im tired right now. so i'll let the picture do the talking.

ouhk i have this hilarious pictures taken by Boyfriend.
Wan is the model. so enjoy the pics.

Pictures at JB


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