The Photos On My Wall

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

hey yaw people. i know I've been lately not updating any entry just yet. but eventually, I'm always updating stuffs at tumblr instead. so why not pay a visit and take a sneak peak of it. more pictures than words cause its more convenient that the pictures show the story. haha! okay, weird!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

picnic with taufiq

hey, i guess im back on track right now. im sorry for not updating any post lately cause i've been busy with school projects and meeting Taufiq. and last thursday i had a great fun awesome day, picnic with him at Botanic Garden. surprisingly, he came to my house to wake me up and we cooked spegetti together. for the first time a man whom i love cook in my kitchen. haha. i swear mama was shocked!

when we reached there, we found a perfect spot, a good scenery for us to sit. despite of the passing cloud, eventually it didn't stop us from having fun. we sat under the shelter and had our chit chat and laughter. the rain stop, and we walked to the bus stop and off we headed to town to survey on his skate shoe. then we decided to go to City Hall and chill at Padang. but half way through, he had a bad fever and i decided to cab back to his place and let him rest. so thats it for the day.

PS: Dear Taufiq, thanks for making it real and i was shocked that you really came. it was so special that i counldn't afford to lose you. i swear that my heart will never close for you to enter. futhermore, i think i know the answer to all my heart. im sorry for what i did and i swear im no longer being like that. thanks for giving me a chance to prove it to you that im playing my part to show you my love. no more giving you shit and nonsence but yet im giving you the love and care. im ready enough to go through thick and thin togethere with you. i love you Sunshine.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Im Trying

the feeling of lonely, disappointed and sucky is controlling me now and sometime its getting on my nerve. i did tried many ways to forget bout him and avoid that feeling. especially during at night where i cant sleep. so i tend to go out with my friends and accompany them, playing longboard, skating, photo shots, fly kite, and other activities. after doing all those activities, somehow i know i will be very tired and sleepy, so when i reach home, straight away i will dozed off. if im in school, i will try to concentrate on it and study hard. see how hard i try my best to get myself busy with life and not to think of anything which rushing through my ditsy mind. it bottles up to much that i get myself insecure, douth and naive.

love is a big word and i think that i cant get myself to fall in love again with someone else. i might like someone but to fall for it, i have douth on it. im scared and forbia. scared of getting myself hurt again and have this kind of feeling. it hurts to deep that i hardly breathe and stand up strong. my friends encounter alot of shit in relationship and after hearing it, i bacame scared. how how how?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

being alone

my mom did told me once that sometimes the person that you really love alot, you have to let it go. but what if my mind say that i can change it and make it last till i die? i started to fall bits by bits into the drain and get drown. am i making the world most biggest mistake ever, of letting him go and never to return again? i know i've been being so ego and selfish, perhaps that is my mistake and am i feeling regret about it? i dont know. im puzzled and having a break down. dear god, please help me to stand up back and go to the correct path back. amin.

Monday, January 11, 2010

love destroy

When your heart has been broken and stepped on,
It leaves you hesitant and reluctant to try.
To give in once more, to open up to emotion,
To dip your toe into the mire into the ocean of desire.
To dip your toe into the ocean of unknown emotion.
If you don’t enter the water, you wont get wet.
There is no danger of being dragged under.
Should you take a chance on love again?
Throw caution to the wind,
Open yourself up to the pain or the pleasure.
Feel the love washing over you,
Immersing yourself.
The waves washing over you,
It may drown you if you do.
If you resist the temptation, you will be safe.
Unharmed in your segregation yet a single moment spent.
In the refreshing waters,
Stood on the ocean floor is worth a lifetime
Spent safely on the shore.

to cut it short

Hey, I'm back. miss me? haha.
okay let me get things straight and short. I'll shall just elaborate things that i had done lately and let the pictures do the talking too. enjoy! =)

As promised with my gfs to spent time together on last Saturday, we went to town. supposedly, we have to chill out with Susanti but then she was out with Sham and his girlfriend to City Hall. late night after meeting Taufiq for awhile and Abg, we headed to Boat Quey to meet them. unexpectedly, the guys were there with her. instead of going to home club, we went to Zouk's carpark and had our own carpark party again.

On Saturday i went to Zouk with Taufiq and his friends. thanks for everything dude, i really appreciate everything and i had a fun night with you. this is like a first time party together with you at Zouk. that is a sweetest and fun memory for me to keep in my mind. thanks Taufiq Mustaffa.

Happy 24th birthday Azeer. so old already, yet you don't act like one.
still fooling around. hehehe. Fetch Taufiq and Azeer from work and off we went to Arab St for our supper and Seesha session. =)

My 2010 countdown celebration held at Silosa car park.
how was it? Awesome. just think of the bright side, at least i had fun with my friends and along with my dearest Ika. sorry Lylie, you wasn't there with us. And as for Taufiq, I'm sorry baby i couldn't get to celebrate with you.