The Photos On My Wall

Sunday, September 27, 2009


fish n co

i had a dinner date with Fir and Lylie, "threesome is awesome" at Fish & Co which i had craving for that for quite sometime. and then we went to Town to find a dress for the up coming Sunday but due to that something else caught my eyes. a black military jacket. and i grabbed it instead. hahaha! then came along Mimi after that. shopping, blah blah blah and off to Tampines to meet the rest at Telepark. had our "booze on parade" again and this time round it was just a random night where else all of our friends joining us. haha! really had fun thou and senang cakap lah ehk, kecoh sia! hahaha! thats it. nothing much to elaborate.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

hari raye

Second Day Of Raye!

First day of Raye!